Nukus shahar statistika bo‘limi
Boshliq: Salieva Zarafshan Ganibaevna
- Telefon: (61) 222-71-34
- Mánzil: Nukus sh., A.Dosnazarov ko‘chasi, 97a
- Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Telegram guruh: t.me/nokisstatistika
- Bo‘lim nizomi
Amudaryo tumani statistika bo‘limi
Boshliq: Pirmanov Olimjon Ibadullayevich
- Telefon: (61) 515-35-83
- Mánzil: Amudaryo tumani, Gurlen ko‘chasi, raqamsiz uy
- Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Telegram guruh: t.me/amiwdaryastatistika
- Bo‘lim nızamı
Beruniy tumani statistika bo‘limi
Boshliq: Fazılbekov Ilxambek Aybekovich
- Telefon: (61) 524-24-63
- Mánzil: Beruniy tumani, Xalıqlar doslıǵı ko‘chasi, 2-uy
- Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Telegram guruh: t.me/beruniystatistika
- Bo‘lim nizomi
Bo‘zatov tumani statistika bo‘limi
- Telefon: (61) 415-37-01
- Mánzil: Bo‘zatov tumani, Berdaq guzarı ko‘chasi, 2-uy
- Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Telegram guruh: t.me/bozatawstatistika
- Bo‘lim nizomi
Qanliko‘l tumani statistika bo‘limi
Boshliq: Yusupov Aymurat Naurzbayevich
- Telefon: (61) 332-19-44
- Mánzil: Qanliko‘l tumani, Ǵarezsizlik ko‘chasi, raqamsiz uy
- Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Telegram guruh: t.me/qanlikolstatistika
- Bo‘lim nizomi
Qorao‘zak tumani statistika bo‘limi
Boshliq: Joldasbaev Asqar Maqsetbaevich
- Telefon: (61) 465-54-81
- Mánzil: Qorao‘zak tumani, Qaraqalpaqstan ko‘chasi, 2-uy
- Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Telegram guruh: t.me/qaraozekstatistika
- Bo‘lim nizomi
Kegeyli tumani statistika bo‘limi
Boshliq: Klishbayev Asenbay Abdiramanovich
- Telefon: (61) 412-15-46
- Mánzil: Kegeyli tumani, J. Palwanov ko‘chasi, raqamsiz uy
- Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Telegram guruh: t.me/kegeylistatistika
- Bo‘lim nizomi
Qo‘ng‘irot tumani statistika bo‘limi
Boshliq: Turg‘anbaev Quwatbay Alliyarovich
- Telefon: (61) 312-33-61
- Mánzil: Qo‘ng‘irod tumani, A. Shamuratov ko‘chasi, 3-uy
- Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Telegram guruh: t.me/qoniratstatistika
- Bo‘lim nizomi
Mo‘ynoq tumani statistika bo‘limi
Boshliq: Sitjanov Muxammed Maqsetbaevich
- Telefon: (61) 322-12-30
- Mánzil: Mo‘ynoq tumani, Ajiniyaz ko‘chasi, 86-uy
- Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Telegram guruh: t.me/moynaqstatistika
- Bo‘lim nizomi
Nukus tumani statistika bo‘limi
- Telefon: (61) 424-42-49
- Mánzil: Nukus tumani, Darsan ko‘chasi, 32-uy
- Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Telegram guruh: t.me/nokisrayonstatistika
- Bo‘lim nizomi
Taxiatosh tumani statistika bo‘limi
Boshliq: Saparova Peruza Muratovna
- Telefon: (61) 572-15-70
- Mánzil: Taxiatosh tumani, Mustaqillik ko‘chasi, raqamsiz uy
- Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Telegram guruh: t.me/taqiyatasstatistika
- Bo‘lim nizomi
Taxtako‘pir tumani statistika bo‘limi
Boshliq: Embergenov Qurbanbay Ayapbergenovich
- Telefon: (61) 435-27-81
- Mánzil: Taxtako‘pir tumani, Doslıq gúzarı ko‘chasi, 42-uy
- Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Telegram guruh: t.me/taxtakopirstatistika
- Bo‘lim nizomi
To‘rtko‘l tumani statistika bo‘limi
- Telefon: (61) 532-22-76
- Mánzil: To‘rtko‘l tumani, To‘rtko‘l ko‘chasi, 53-uy
- Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Telegram guruh: t.me/tortkulstatistika
- Bo‘lim nizomi
Xo‘jayli tumani statistika bo‘limi
Boshliq: Tajibaev Aynazar Eshniyazovich
- Telefon: (55) 103-23-67
- Mánzil: Xo‘jayli tumani, S. Yusupov ko‘chasi, 2/2-uy
- Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Telegram guruh: t.me/xojelistatistika
- Bo‘lim nizomi
Chimboy tumani statistika bo‘limi
Boshliq: Erimbetov Farxat Ibraimovich
- Telefon: (61) 444-02-95
- Mánzil: Chimboy tumani, Sh.Rashidov ko‘chasi, 46-uy
- Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Telegram guruh: t.me/shimbaystatistika
- Bo‘lim nizomi
Shumanay tumani statistika bo‘limi
Boshliq: Xojantaev Baxtiyar Xamidullaevich
- Telefon: (61) 346-22-79
- Mánzil: Shumanoy tumani, Ajiniyaz ko‘chasi, 27-uy
- Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Telegram guruh: t.me/shomanaystatistika
- Bo‘lim nizomi
Ellikqal’a tumani statistika bo‘limi
Boshliq: Tangirbergenov Doniyor Bekpulatovich
- Telefon: (61) 585-21-02
- Mánzil: Ellikqal’a tumani, Al Beruniy ko‘chasi, 7-uy
- Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Telegram guruh: t.me/ellikqalastatistika
- Bo‘lim nizomi